Region: Hannover I offer: Deutsch I want to learn: Englisch Language level: A1 A2 B1

ID85944 – Deutsch / Englisch @Hannover

Hello dear all,

my name is Sana and because of my job I must speak more English. I need a tandempartner to improve my English skills.
I don’t know how high my skill level is (A1,A2,B1…..). But I can rudimentary communicate and explain what I want or need 🙂
I’m interested in football (soccer), in cars (talking about and driving them) and also generally in technology and engineering due to my job as mechanical engineering technician.
When you have similar interests and want to talk about it you can contact me 😉
I’m a native german speaker and live in the near of Hannover in Germany and if you want I can teach you high german and can help you with your german language skills.

Best wishes

Hallo zusammen,

da ich beruflich immer mehr wieder Englisch sprechen muss, suche ich einen Tandempartner mit dem ich meine Englilschkenntnisse auffrischen kann.

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