Region: Berlin I offer: Spanisch I want to learn: Deutsch Language level:

#84578 – Spanisch / Deutsch @Berlin

Hallo! Ich bin Javier (33) und ich komme aus Chile.

And that’s pretty much the whole Deutsch I know, so I guess it would be an A1 level. Just kidding, I know a couple of words more, and I completed the A2 level. But that was months ago, so probably I have forgotten everything and now I’m back to A1.

Anyway, my Muttersprache is Spanish and I have a pretty decent English level, if that helps. I usually like to take walks, ride my bike, have a good time on a coffee, bars or clubs, going to the movies, etc. That, before Corona. Now I like to cry in my shower or complain about random stuff (I have found out that I’m actually very good at this).

Texting is good nowadays, because of social distancing and stuff, but if we manage to arrange something according to the rules, I’m willing to meet anywhere inside the ring, specially in Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain, Prenzlauer Berg, since that’s not-far and I am a lazy ass.

Feel free to contact me